Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Podcasts Return | Sponsor List | Lightning Interview I Oakland Mayor

As we build up for the 
2011 Eagle/ Busycle Mayors' Ride
, as you have no doubt seen, we are bringing back the Mountain Mover's Podcast Series to show you all the people who are helping to make our upcoming ride real. . 

In fact, Tim Brummer, the maker of the world's fastest production bicycle, the Lightning,  just took us through why the average racer can blow the doors off Lance Armstrong on one of his bikes and why he needs our National Bicycle Greenway  to make his bikes go even faster. Other amazing interviews with fellow Mountain Mover supporters of our ride are soon to follow. For example, we are organizing a conference call podcast with principals from the amazing American River Parkway , arguably the nicest car free bikeway in the world. What's more, we will be talking with Sunfood this week as they explain the rocket fuel that needs to be in every hard driving cyclist's musette ......

Right now you can also  hear ride sponsors Jason Reser of Reser Bicycle Outfitters, Kirk Newell of Kirk's Bike and my wife, Virginia Krieg, all at our Mountain Mover Podcasts and at our 2011 SJ/SF to DC/Boston Blog.

If you were at our podcast page a few weeks ago, unbeknownst to us, our server had  made a number of them inoperable by changing the folder configuration on the hard drives they service us with. They are all better now, so go listen to Fast Freddy talk about his amazing racing career, or Berkeley Mayor, Tom Bates, talk about why he is called the Father of Ttaffic Calming. You can even hear Matthew Mazzotta describe how the 15-person Busycle became the reality it is, etc. At http://www.bikeroute.com/NBGPodcasts.php  there are many dozens of podcasts from bike messengers and activists to inventors and city leaders, etc, from all across America to choose from.

In other news, do get a look at the picture Mr. Bike Oakland just sent us. It is of me with new Oakland Mayor Jean Quan. It comes from the Oakland Mayor's ride we did with Ron Bishop's Easy Rider Bike Touring Group last May. Ron is behind Mayor Quan in the picture.

Just also spoke with San Jose bike coordinator, John Brazil. He tells me his city is ramping up for our Friday April 8th send off!!

Led off by the City of San Jose, whose biking prowess is so strong they warranted a whole chapter in my book, "How America Can Bike and Grow Rich", our sponsors to 2/1/11 can all be found HERE 

Too much excitement!!

           THX 4 all of U!! 

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